Bill Wedderburn, Adrienne Rich, Tom Lodge, Howard Anderson, Cecil Sharpley
An influential Muslim scholar has issued a global ruling against terrorism and suicide bombing. Dr Tahir ul-Qadri says his fatwa completely dismantles al-Qaeda's ideology. Marco Werman talks with The World's religion editor Jane Little about the fatwa.
The alleged attempt to blow up a US airliner on Christmas Day sent shock through the security system. Abdulmutallab's former London university is launching a review into whether he became radicalized there. The World's religion editor Jane Little reports.
Britain's Supreme Court ruled against a Jewish school that refused admission to a student. The World's Religion Editor, Jane Little has the story.
Ireland's abortion law is being challenged in the European Court of Human Rights. Three women say the ban violates Human Rights. Jane Little reports.
Global religious leaders gathered in England to urge?and offer?commitments to combat climate change. The World's Jane Little reports.
October 21, 2009
The World's Jane Little reports on mixed reactions today to the Vatican's sudden announcement yesterday that it was making it easier for Anglicans to convert to the Roman Catholic faith.
A new study by the Pew Research Center challenges Western assumptions that the Arab world is home to the majority of the world's Muslims. Actually, it's Asia. Anchor Marco Werman finds out more from The World's Religion Correspondent Jane Little.
President Obama was in Germany today where he met with Chancellor Angela Merkel and visited Buchenwald, the site of a Nazi concentration camp. The World's Jane Little reports from Dresden.
Anchor Lisa Mullins speaks with The World's Religion Editor Jane Little about how President Obama must balance breadth and nuance in his speech in Cairo tomorrow to the Muslim and Arab world.
The World's religion editor Jane Little speaks with John Micklethwait of the Economist magazine. He's the co-author with Adrian Wooldridge of a new book called "God is Back." It describes a global revival of faith.
The World's Jane Little takes us to an innovative day care center in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, that brings together children and the elderly.
Argentina has ordered ultra-conservative Catholic bishop Richard Williamson to leave the country within ten days. Williamson's denials of the Holocaust on Swedish TV last month sparked a raging controversy. The World's Religion Editor Jane Little has this update.
The World's Jane Little reports that British scientists and theologians are calling for a Darwin Ceasefire, a truce in the battle between Darwin's evolution theories and religion. Today marks the 200th anniversary of Darwin's birth.
Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Eighty-one-year-old psychologist Edith Eva Eger will never forget. At 16, Eger was sent to Auschwitz. The World's Jane Little has her story.
Jane catches a first glimpse of what it really means to be old in different parts of the world.
What challenges do these communities and individuals face, and how can they be met?
This year the Hayne Barton Jazz Festival is celebrating British Woman, and Jane Little finds out about the role that women are playing in the jazz scene with singer Barb Jungr, and singer and pianist Liane Carroll.
Jane chats to her about what it means to her to have recorded a song which has inspired so many women. Gloria also talks about being a Queen of Disco, how she overcame her dark days by turning to Christianity and about her latest album and her current UK concert tour.
She talks to Jane about her eminent career in radio, television and the theatre – a career which has spanned over 60 years.